How to Create User Personas to Benefit Your Business

User personas can help you understand users’ motivations and needs

User personas can help you understand users’ motivations and needs and benefit your business. If a business simply makes a guess about who its audience is or what they want, they might be completely off base, resulting in lost revenue and customers.

User personas can help organizations better identify and reach their target audience. We have put together this article to assist you in how to create user personas to benefit your business and improve your website UX too.

What are User Personas?

User persona template

User personas (Patrick.F, 2019) are tools used to characterise users through a combination of characteristics such as age, gender, race, geographic location, and other interests. In short, it represents the target audience for a product.

How Do You Create a User Persona for Your Business?

Our user persona is called George!

In order to build a user persona (Talebook, 2018) – it consists of main elements including a Photo, Name, Background and Problems the user persona might experience.


By uploading a photo, it will help you to build their virtual identity and will be easily recognizable by your team. 


Create a unique name for your user persona. Names have an impact on people’s minds. Select a name for your user persona that your team can take seriously, but is also one that will be memorable. Name and photo for your persona are just as vital since they become the symbol of user persona.


It should include the background of your fictional character including their specific needs, wants, and needs, rather than your perception of those things. You will gain insight into how your company’s products and services fit into your customers’ and users’ lives. What is the reason behind their purchase? How is this supposed to help them accomplish their goal? What particular problem is it supposed to help them solve?


Next would be creating some goals of the user persona, and understanding what they are are trying to achieve and uncovering their motivation behind the goals.


Every user persona represents different problems or a pain point they might have. Add all of them to this section to have a summary of the personal struggle each imagined user persona might experience in their daily life. By portraying real people in user personas that have pain points, it enables people to relate to user personas more easily. 

How do User Personas Help to Improve Website UX?


By gathering the data and information in user persona, you will be able to understand the users goals, verify their user behavior and create a website that can accomodate to them.

Here are the different types of web users:

Bullet point browser

Website overviews that are quick and simple are preferred by users who are usually on the go. Hence, you will have to create a user interface that displays a clear navigation, headlines, bullet points for main concepts and key options so that they can quickly retrieve the information.

Detail seeker

Detail-oriented users will want to pay more attention to details. Thus, you can create a user interface that includes comprehensive, well organised text and appropriate links that offer more details so that it can keep the interested user engaged.

Visual seeker

In general, users who depend a lot on visually appealing elements will want elements that grab their attention immediately. Therefore, you can design a user interface that includes visual elements that reinforce the content and emotional tone of the message. In addition, you can present video content/animated content to maintain the user’s interest or use visual metaphors. 

How do User Personas Help to Benefit Your Business and Improve Website UX?

User personas are extremely useful to grow and improve a business. This is helpful for uncovering insights such as how people find and purchase products. Using real data, you can improve the experience for real people.

User personas benefit a business in several ways:

Create consistency across the business

User personas provide a company-wide understanding of your users, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Across the board, personas help your company to develop a consistent and specific understanding of each target group of customers.

Signal user behavior

By gaining insight into the backgrounds of user personas, you’ll have a better understanding of where your real users spend their time, where they obtain information, and which social networks they thrive in. This data allows you to target and market your products or services in areas where they are most likely to be seen.

Help with user-focused reasoning 

You and your team have created a service or offer you believe will benefit your users, but do they really want it? You might believe your concept is brilliant, but what if you spend time brainstorming and it’s not something that’s actually in demand? User personas help eliminate wasted time and resources by clearly focusing on the needs of the user.


We had discussed User Personas, how they are developed, and how they can benefit your website and business. If you require more assistance, your professional UI and UX design is just a click away. Get in touch with us for a complimentary 30 minutes UI and UX of your website, and we’ll help you create an amazing user experience, from start to finish.